It’s not every day that you get to meet an Olympic Gold Medallist.
John Smith shares his lessons learnt on the Journey to becoming an Olympic Champion!
Not only is he an Olympic Gold Medallist but he has an amazing sense of humour and ability to make people laugh… we’ll let John tell you the rest!
After being injured in water-polo, I had to pick a new sport so I started rowing in 2006 – 2008 at School at St Albans College. I don’t do anything in half measures but give my best; I ended up receiving top honours at St Albans College for rowing. I had a Coach at school that told me I could make it to the Olympics and inspired me to go for it, even though I thought he was crazy at the time!
My philosophy is all about being first (1st) ! I was the first South African Rower to become an Under 23 World Champion, after that I was part of the winning “awesome foursome” team to win South Africa’s first Olympic Gold medal in rowing!
Lessons gained through rowing:
- Miles make Champions!
- You look comfortable rowing, it’s not comfortable” – getting out of your comfort zone.
- You need to trust the process.
- Pain is temporary, weather it lasts a min or an hour or day.
- What you put in is what you get out.
Achievements in the Sport:
- 4th Under 23 World Championships (Cech Republic)
- 4th Senior World Championships (Poland)
- South African Champion in lightweight Men’s pair and Men’s 8
- 1st Under 23 World Championships (Belarus)
- 11th Senior World Championships (New Zealand)
- South African Champion in Men’s Coxless four
- Qualified for the Olympics (Solvenia)
- South African Champion in the Men’s Eight
- Olympic Gold Medallist (London)
- Silver Medallist at the World Cup (Switzerland)
- Double Gold Medallist Pediluco Memorial Regatta (Italy)
- South African Champion in Men’s Coxless Four and Men’s Eight
- 6th Senior World Championships (Korea)
- 2nd Henley Royal Regatta (England)
- 4th Rowing World Cup (Switzerland)
- South African Champion in Men’s Eight
John is not only a Champion on the water as a Sportsman but has also finished his BCom Financial Management at the University of Pretoria.