Activity is movement however, movement forward to get the results you want only happens when you master using intentional focus, deliberate focus, goal setting and have a vision (end outcome) of where you want to be.
Malcolm Gladwell wrote a book called the outliers (about people who are more than extraordinary). An interesting read. He shares the concept of the 10 000-hour rule / 10 years is a metaphor for the commitment required to become the best in your field or mastery or to be a champion. This is not only a formula for sport but this can be applied to business and mastery in life.
A solid 10 000 hours can equate to 5 hours a day for 5 years, if you put this in perspective and think about it – this is the amount of passion, focus and intensity that is needed for where you want to be as a master in your field of expertise.
It means having the commitment and determination. Being prepared to put in the hours, not just any hours but make the most of the hours you do with quality practice and to be intentional focus. It must be deliberate and intentional practice.
The deliberate focus and action will all depend on where you are going, your vision and end outcome. This is where a daily plan of action and goal setting is required.
Passion and purpose is the driving force. There is a quote that states “stay silent and let success be your noise” – champions know who they are and where they are going and do not require validation from others to stay committed to the process.
They only share their training and stats with the people who are helping them on the journey, which is wise considering they would otherwise receive criticism from the insecurity of those without an abundance mindset and be termed “obsessed” or judged by limited thinking and limitations of others.
A daily practice is needed and to know your numbers to get to your goal. The results always speak for themselves (inputs = outputs). Next time when you see someone winning in their field and becoming a champion, you will realise that it is because they do the hours, they have found their flow and doing what they intended to do and decided to enjoy the process.
- Do the numbers in your plan and know the numbers daily
- Know where you are going
- Know the best practice in your field
- Don’t be limited by others with limitations and judgements
- Set your goals as high as you want them to be
- Intentional effort, deliberate practice and focus is required
- Have the courage to be who you are!
- Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you, you can learn a lot from them
- Applied learning is growth